Blog Archives

Classes, Work, Normal Life

So, I begin classes today. I have four history classes. I was taking a film class, but the professor soundouchebagded like a douche (see inset) in the course outline and I discovered care of a rather nice website, Rate My Professor that his first exam only had a 52% average. Yeah, no douchebaggery for me thanks! I have a class about Medieval Violence, Women’s History, Napoleonic French History, and British History. A good line up, and a rather nice schedule, I get Fridays off. Which will give me time to work or accomplish things on my list or something.

I went to my job interview yesterday, we’ll see how that turns out, I’m not overly sure how it went or what my chances were. I think I will stop at a few places today and grab applications.

Nothing exciting for the rest of the week. This weekend I may be re-vamping this with the help of Adam. So possibly, maybe?, expect some changes. I sort of want to go to Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump but I think Adam will be all driven out from his drive home and all. More time for a job search, I suppose.