Category Archives: Because I Can

New Tattoo

Much to the dismay of grandmothers everywhere, I decided to go ahead with my 5th and by far largest tattoo. I booked it months ago with Karrie Arthurs at local custom shop Blackbird Electric after my friend recommended her work.

I have little else to say other than god damn:


On Sunday, my friend Kris, who is the all-star behind my favorite blog Popingay, suggested we embark together on the magical journey that is NaBloWriMo (I think he assumed it stood for National Blowing Writers Month).

This all began when our mutual friend Mikaela said Ian was coming over to work on a project. Kris and I pressed her for details. She refused, stating:

“You’ll make fun of us.”

She was right. After a hearty dose of laughter over the fact that she and Ian participated in NaNoWriMo annually, Kris and I mocked their nerd-dom for several minutes, loudly. At some point, Kris remarked that there was now a NaBloWriMo. I thought “that would be the perfect opportunity to get back on this blogging horse” and Kris thought “I’m a manwhore with a weird writer fetish.”

So we decided to embark on this beautiful writing/blow job journey together. I look forward to a month of fitting in a daily dose of terrible writing that no one reads but my mom. And that’s just because I make her proof read my work.

Coming up:

Nov 2: Tattoo
Nov 6-9: Issues of Substance Conference in Vancouver, BC
Nov 12: Homovember (the terrible holiday I concocted and plan to make my friends celebrate with me, as per item 204 on my list)

Then it’s 2012 the year we all die or whatever.

Crossed Off: Body Shot

This happened a long time ago. I’m just posting about it because Mallory is hot and I was super drunk.


615. Do a body shot

So I did something I thought was on my list

…but it isn’t.

While wandering around downtown today with my gay-sian friend (yes, you CAN contract gay and Asian into one word!) and he says
“have you peed in that toilet yet”

And I say
“in what toilet?”

because Keith thinks that everyone can hear his thoughts.

Anyways, it turns out he was referring to the robot potty on 17th Ave SW, which is part of a “City of Calgary Sanitation” project. There is seriously no website about this thing or information. Useless city.

It’s basically this weird roundish box plopped on a street corner. It looks kind of like something they would protect a major electrical center in or something. I decided, as I needed to pee anyways, to make use of it! Plus, I thought it was on my list, even though it is totally not actually on it. The toilet itself is fantastic. It tells you how to use it in a robot voice and cleans itself. You press a BUTTON and a CLEAN TOILET SEAT APPEARS OUT OF THE WALL!!! It also plays calming music for you as you make your business. Rad and a great idea for public bathrooms. Clean and calming!

I’m sad it’s not on my list, but whatever. I peed in a robot today and that in itself is fantastic.

Eli Roth is in Italy and I’m learning about Cod

I think the worst part about having a passion for travel is jealousy. I’ve padded my twitter, facebook, bloglines – every social networking site at my disposal – with jet-setting travellers who are taking on the world. Even those I add for other reasons seem to mock me with thei lavish travels to far away places. The other day I was sitting in class listening to my professor ramble on about cod fish (seriously…fucking cod fish) and I, of course, was wasting time on twitter. Eli Roth is updating about being in Italy. I’m learning about cod and all these people are experiencing the world! I’m full of envy, full of it.

Sometimes life does laugh at you. Not with you. Just at you.

In other news, I updated my list a bit. I saw Marilyn Manson live, which was just terrible, but I did it. It would be been better categorized under “Thanks, But No Thanks” in hindsight. I have to decide what to do next on my list.

A Summer of Nothing

This summer feels like a complete wash. I did go to Kelowna, true, but it has mostly been spent with my nose in books and sitting in classrooms. I guess I’m putting this work in now so I can be done school earlier, but I just want to be travelling and seeing the world. One friend just finished a study in Ghana and is now touring Germany. Irma my artist friend just finished a one month stint in Montreal. Everyone is headed somewhere or just returning and I feel stagnant.

I suppose I am heading to Kingston in around a month, but I have been to Kingston several times. Hell, I lived there for almost ten years. I am desparately trying to convince my mom to go somewhere (anywhere!!) with me over a weekend or after our trip to Kingston but she is very reluctant (much to my dismay). I know I only have 60 or summers left on this planet and it depresses me to some extent this one has been somewhat wasted so far. 6 weeks left before September brings around a new semester of school, I better make the most of it. Roadtrip anyone?

Monday’s Picture of the Week


Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia, Canada. I loved being there but it was quite cold (in February). Apparently, this is the most photographed thing in all of Canada. Odd.

Monday’s Picture of the Week


One of the many anti-meth photos I collected when I went to Montana a year ago.

#591 – Tang


The conversation went like this
Mom: Why did you get Tang when you don’t like orange flavour.
Me: …
Mom: I mean what inspired you?
Me: I didn’t know what Tang was.
Mom: Great job.

And that was how crossing number #591 off my list went.

When I added “Try Tang” to my list, I really had no idea what it was, other than a drink that was insanely popular 20+ years ago. How bad could it be? Well, given the fact I hate anything orange flavour, it would be really bad. I talked myself into still going through with it at the grocery store, after seeing the orange glow radiating from shelf. So put it in a cupboard when I got home and for weeks tried to forget it was there or on my list.

Of course boredom always wins out in the end.


It wasn’t really that bad, just really insanely sweet orange. Like orange juice except unhealthy. Definitely not one of the “favourites” list. Now the rest will sit in my fridge and hopefully someone else in my family will drink it. Ick.

Monday’s Picture of the Week


Punta Cana beach at sunrise