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“First Class Bitches”

Chelsea: Did you already register or whatever how many bags we are checking?
Adam: No it didn’t ask.
Chelsea: Oh, can you check a bag for me maybe? I would like to bring an extra one to bring our shopping home.
Adam: Yeah we can do it at the counter. And we have priority status at the counter.
Chelsea: Why do we have priority status?
Adam: Because we’re flying first class, bitches. Coach can’t hold our awesomeness.

I must say that my boyfriend and I travel in two separate worlds sometimes. I stay on friend’s couches and in cockroach filled hostels. He books the best suites he can and upgrades to first class on flights. I’m not going to complain, not for a second, because he always takes me to “travel in style” with him and I generally get a free trip out of his vacations. I just find it funny that we manage to travel together and not kill each other. Granted, I do prefer nice hotels and rental cars over non-air-conditioned subways and shared bathrooms. We’ve been talking about going to Europe together next summer and while I estimate we need 2-3 grand each, he seems to think he’ll need $10,000 CND to keep us in hotels as opposed to hostels (though with fuel prices we may need $10,000 just to get across the pond).
Regardless of our travel differences, we manage to have fun when we go away together. And he does help me cross things off of my list. This little surprise is going to fulfill #172 which is to fly somewhere first class. I can’t think of a better place to go first class than Las Vegas! Less than 20 hours until take off!

Heading Back to Home Base

Well, it is time to head back home to Calgary. My flight leaves this afternoon, I’m flying with Air Canada instead of my favourite Westjet. The only reason for this is because Air Canada flies out of Kingston, saving me a train ride and cab fare into Toronto. I’m happy to be heading home today, I’ve been away a whole month and I have been homesick for the better part of two weeks. I don’t mind being away from my own bed and room, it’s the people. My boyfriend, my cat, my mom I miss them all TONS! I think I could survive quite happily in a cave provided I got to see them all regularly.

Anyways. I am happy to be heading home. In the next few days I’ll blog about my trip to NYC with Irma and my time with my grandparents in Kingston. Lots of things to be crossed off of my list.

In September I have another trip coming up with Adam that should last 10 days. We have no idea where we are going to go! Any suggestions in the mean time?

Crossed Off – #518

Yesterday I ate a cheeseburger. It tasted seww good.

That’s what Adam told me to write, so I did. That actually has nothing to do with anything and is neither here nor there. What this post is actually concerning is that I have accomplished one more thing on my ever growing list. Yesterday en route to Vancouver I sat in a window seat while we passed over the Rocky Mountains.

#518 Fly over the Rocky Mountains sitting in the window seat

Here’s a random picture from my flight over the mountains.


Picture of the Week


Keith drew a picture of Adam on his hand.

Picture of the Week


A testament to my skills when it comes to Window’s Paint.

2 years ago? I think? Old, regardless.

It has been a while…

I have been neglecting posting due to the fact I am lacking pictures of a key event because Ms. Sarah had taken off to Ontario for the weekend. Also, I did not do my Reflection Friday post this Friday past due to a busy schedule and going to Calgary for the weekend. I do apologize.


My weekend was good, saw lots of friends, drank, etc. I did accomplish a thing on my list, but I am keeping it under wraps until I get photographic evidence of the event in question. I stopped by my house first thing to drop off stuff, including my momma’s much belated Christmas present. 4 cases of Tahiti Treat (see inset) I think she was quite happy with it, I of course stole a can because it is so delicious and hopped full of sugar, how could the 5 year old in me resist? Then I dashed off to Kensington to meet up with Sarah and Gwen at Julio’s Barrio (apparently my cat was pissed I left again, poor guy, I told you he misses me). We had food, which was alright, and a pitcher of peach margaritas which were A-MAZING! We dropped Sarah off (she had her flight the next morning), and then Gwen asked the question “do you want to do anything else” which of course is a yes, and we decided on Aussie Rules. We grabbed her husband and went to sing and dance on chairs. Drank some more, were entertained, but eventually decided to leave after the piano men started sticking to country tunes.Photobucket

The next day Keith and I met up in the afternoon, took the shoddy transit downtown where we saw a fire! zomg! Then we sauntered around downtown until our movie started. We went and saw The Savages at the Globe Cinema. Brilliant movie, absolutely brilliant! Go see it! At the Globe! Support independent theatres!! Then we went to Thi Thi for Vietnamese subs, which were SO FREAKING GOOD! Then more transit to T&T Supermarket to buy Japanese Honey Cakes and these weird dough things. It was nice to see Keith, he gets my sense of humour at times other people wouldn’t. Indeed!
The next day I just hung out with my momma until Adam and I left. Snowstorms were being called for, so we left earlier than planned.

Other than that, it’s been uneventful. School, snow, and sleep is about all I can say. Adam and I didn’t celebrate our three year very well due to his car dying, so on Friday we are going out for lunch and going ice skating. Also, I get to buy groceries! All of this depends on his car working again, though.

So with that, I leave you. Tomorrow, hopefully, details of my completed item. Friday, a reflection post. Saturday my book reviews from this month’s New Years Resolutions!

Oh also, I deleted my myspace today in accordance with International Delete Your Myspace Day. Woot.

Recurring Features

So a few posts back I mentioned I was interested in creating a few recurring features for the blog, and this post is introducing two of them!

The first will be part of my 2008 Resolutions. Number 4 is to read three books a month, outside of school-related books, for a total of 36 books at the very minimum. At the end of every month or beginning, I will write reviews for the books I am reading. On January 31st or February 1st, I will review this months books which I categorize under “Books I Could Watch”. They are:

The other feature will be about reflecting on my past and trying to remember some of the cool things I have done. I’ll do this every week or every other week and it will be called “Reflection Friday”. I’m just so cool to have come up with a name like that, I know.

Also, everyone should check out Adam’s WordPress powered site at

The Boring Life I Yearn to Avoid

These past few days have been nothing short of mind-numbingly boring. It is the only term to put to how I have felt. Thursday I went to my classes. My Medieval Violence looks to be good, but I ended up dropped the British History due to the fact I already took it at the University of Calgary. I have taken up a Anthropology of Gender course, which Adam kindly agreed to take with me. The only problem is that I lack the pre-requesites for the class and am still awaiting a reply to the email I sent her over a day ago. I have yet to take my History of Women course, which I know I will love, and my history of Napoleonic France.

Other than that, I have had nothing to do at all. I walked to Safeway yesterday and bought some more yams (see inset – yes I took a picture of the yams I just bought…). I cooked with yams for the first time on Thursdayyams. Made a yam casserole of sorts (brown sugar, milk, honey, mashed with boiled yams and baked with pecans on top), and it was really good. I actually went to Safeway for margarine and cheese, but decided yams were worth buying more of.

Adam came over yesterday as well, for a little. We watched Home and Garden Television. We were planning on going to a movie, but couldn’t find anything worth going to see, sadly. We debated for a while, but soon the smooth house-hunting skills of Kristie and Phil on Relocation, Relocation took over, and we were laying around watching that. Such is life. He went home, and I went to bed, but woke up around 1am feeling naseous, dizzy, faint-y, and, oh lucky me, was hallucinating. So I gave Adam a ring and he came over and spent the night with me to make sure I didn’t die or anything drastic. I kept hallucinating about Dani Gore, and only thing morning did I find out who she was with the help of google. What a weird thing to hallucinate about. Jeepers.

Oh, I did start working on my passport application yesterday, which is the beginnings of #60 on The List and part of my 2008 Resolutions. I will hopefully be able to throw that in the mail by the end of this week so I can get on to travelling!

Classes, Work, Normal Life

So, I begin classes today. I have four history classes. I was taking a film class, but the professor soundouchebagded like a douche (see inset) in the course outline and I discovered care of a rather nice website, Rate My Professor that his first exam only had a 52% average. Yeah, no douchebaggery for me thanks! I have a class about Medieval Violence, Women’s History, Napoleonic French History, and British History. A good line up, and a rather nice schedule, I get Fridays off. Which will give me time to work or accomplish things on my list or something.

I went to my job interview yesterday, we’ll see how that turns out, I’m not overly sure how it went or what my chances were. I think I will stop at a few places today and grab applications.

Nothing exciting for the rest of the week. This weekend I may be re-vamping this with the help of Adam. So possibly, maybe?, expect some changes. I sort of want to go to Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump but I think Adam will be all driven out from his drive home and all. More time for a job search, I suppose.